No Such Thing as an Unimportant Election

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In our lifetime, our country never needed the combined voices of citizens who believe in the separation of church and state, who believe women should have autonomy over their own bodies, who believe one person has one vote, and believe that all people are created equal.

Your neighbors, fellow citizens, and country need you — we need you to vote. America is a representative democracy because most decisions are made not by the people but by representatives who act on their behalf. It is also an electoral democracy because those representatives are selected in elections by America’s citizens.

The recent past has shown us that there is no such thing as an unimportant election. With increased control being handed back to individual states, we absolutely need Arizona to accurately reflect the values and wishes of its citizens. Your vote is your voice.

Visit the websites of the candidates running for office and plan to vote. Well-informed and engaged voters are the best way to ensure the will of the people.

The Primary Election is on August 2nd – important dates are as follows:

July 22nd    Last day to request a ballot by mail

July 26th     Last day to request a replacement ballot

July 26th     Recommended last day to mail your ballot

Aug. 2nd     Election Day – vote centers open 6 am – 7 pm

For more information, please visit or call 520-724-4330
