Letter: Imminent Water Crisis

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Re: the July 10 article ‘Let’s find a practical fix to the water crisis.’

Mike Carran’s article grabbed my interest because it begs the Arizona Legislature to look at practical solutions to the imminent water crisis and points out the preciousness of water and that no matter what, Arizonans will be paying more for it. The question is how much.

‘Paying more for it’ is happening right now with gas. These unpredictable, costly increases hurt all but the wealthiest.

With water, we can plan ahead to make it less costly with practical measures. With gas, we have a practical pathway, too. Put a price on carbon with dividends going to households. We can stop the rising temperatures that are causing this water crisis. We can be practical and plan a green transition that’s affordable to that 66% of us not amongst the wealthy. We would see a healthier climate and affordability of fossil fuels from those dividends during the transition to green.

Planning and practicality.

Linda Karl
