Local Arizona Elections Can Blunt Extremist Republicans

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Elections have consequences. Recently, we have seen the stunning consequential decisions that should be the clearest call to action for Democrats. Yes, this has been a stunning few weeks. With a trifecta of decisions on guns, Roe, and Miranda rights, the Supreme Court has shown some of its members think nothing of lying to the US Senate to get their seat and then deny Americans rights they have enjoyed for decades.

Karl Gentles, LD27 Democrats Chair

Why was Roe v. Wade repealed when the majority of people in the country wanted a constitutionally guaranteed women’s right to control their bodies? Because we are held hostage by an extremist minority that was able to pack the court during the Trump presidency.

The January 6th Committee hearings have revealed more insight and truth about how close insurrectionists came to ripping our Democracy apart by the seams. All in an effort to stop the transition of power between administrations – something we never imagined would come to pass in the United States of America. This was executed by the former President, who was subsequently handed a resounding defeat, but not before the damage to our nation was done. This is why elections matter.

Democrats must turn out the vote this election cycle to protect our rights. Yes, our rights are on the ballot this election! Since Newt Gingrich led Congress, the rights we have fought so hard to achieve have been systematically eroded over every election cycle. Our own State Legislature has been doing the same thing. We’ve seen the assault on voting rights, public education funding, and support for our most vulnerable. Republicans have orchestrated this local control strategy for many years and will not rest until they control every statewide office and legislature.

Stepping back is not an option

Elections have consequences and the power to protect or dismiss your vote. A case example is what happens when citizen initiatives, passed by the majority of voters, are ignored and reversed by laws created by our legislature. That’s what happened with the 2020 Prop 208 initiative to stop funding private schools with school vouchers that siphon public school money for students to attend private schools.

I know how you feel. However, stepping back from our duty as Democrats is not an option. Now is not the time to become paralyzed or throw our hands up and not get engaged or involved. The time is now to get out, stand up, and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. The time is now to vote “Bottoms Up” on your local election ballot from school board to judges, state legislature to statewide offices. Vote every single race, leaving nothing blank on your ballot.

Does the importance of the Maricopa County Democratic Party’s Bottoms Up campaign to elect down-ballot races resonate yet? What happened these past few weeks should be all you need to fully grasp how crucial these races are. What happened at the Supreme Court and in the January 6th hearings profoundly impacts our local and state races.

In fact, my new Legislative District 27 (Northwest Phoenix, Peoria, Glendale) is faced with the prospects of a central figure in the insurrection effort representing us in Anthony Kern. The prospect of him representing our new LD27 is simply unacceptable. That is why we have amassed an effort to write in Brittani Barraza as our candidate for Senate and Don Kissinger as our candidate for the House in Legislative District 27. Kern’s extremist far-right political ideology will destroy our rights to vote and, ultimately, our Democratic values. Let’s get Brittani Barraza and other candidates onto the ballot, contest, and win every election.

This article was originally published in Edition 7 2022 of The Mule News. Subscribe to The Mule News. For comments, advertising and contributions, contact Ron Williams at editorthemulenews@gmail.com.
