LD 18 Coffee With Constituents Chat

Saturday, June 17 LD18’s three legislators met an inquisitive crowd of constituents at a Coffee With Constituents Chat at Beyond Bread on Speedway on June 17, 2023. Rep. Chris Mathis, Rep. Nancy Gutierrez and Sen. Priya Sundareshan fielded questions about school vouchers, light rail in Phoenix, flipping the Legislature, the power of letters to the … Read more

Ojas Sanghi in front of a map of Pima County. Ojas has connected the dots between environmental concerns and the recent NO vote on Prop 412

Prop 412 Rejected Because of Climate Concerns, Informing What Must Happen Next

by Ojas Sanghi It was not higher fees that killed Tucson’s Prop. 412. Instead, it was the Democratic, liberal vote — the climate vote — that tanked this proposition. The climate-concerned electorate may not have been all the voters against Prop 412, but they were the deciding group. If TEP, the Mayor and Council wish … Read more

6 Reasons the GOP Debt Ceiling Demands will Ruin Arizona

By Kirsten Engel On Monday, Janet Yellen reported that in less than a month, the Treasury Department will have exhausted all ‘extraordinary measures’ available to keep the nation from defaulting on our obligation to pay our current debt. If, at that point, Congress has stubbornly still failed to raise the debt ceiling — something it … Read more

Agitators are Disrupting Schools in Pima County

By Larry Bodine, LD18 Chair Pima County School Superintendent Dustin Williams spoke at the April 25, 2023 meeting of LD18 Democrats. He warned that disruptions of school board meetings are attacks on LGBTQ and trans students. He also said that 51,000 students have left public schools, to use school vouchers to attend private and religious … Read more

LD18’s Udall Territory – April Meet ‘n Greet

By Rick Sage, LD18 1st Vice Chair Udall Territory hosted a LD18 Udall Park Meet ‘N Greet on April 22. The morning social event was enjoyed by approximately 55 Dems who came from across the LD. The park setting was perfect for seeing old friends, meeting new Democratic neighbors and talking with elected officials and … Read more

Running a Successful Campaign When You Have a Disability

By Ed Carter Are you looking to make a positive impact on your community? Are you ready to take your activism to the next level? Running for office could be a path worth exploring. Political campaigns can be challenging, whether at the federal, state, or local level. And when you live with a disability, those challenges … Read more