You Have A Right To Canvass and Display a Yard Sign

Are you thinking of displaying an election sign in your yard to support a candidate, but your HOA says it’s not allowed?

Make sure you’re informed about your rights. Under Arizona state law, you can start showing general election signs in residential areas beginning May 20, 2024. Don’t let misinformation stop you from supporting your candidate!

Learn more: Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 33-1808

You have a right to go door-to-door to talk to voters.

The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed the right of individuals to go door-to-door for political activity.

  • Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Your v. Village of Stratton (2002), 536 US 150
  • Martin v. City of Struthers (1943), 319 U.S. 141
  • Thomas v. Collins (1945), 323 U.S. 516, 540-41
  • Hynes v. Mayor and Council of Oradell (1977), 425 U.S. 610
  • Murdock v. Pennsylvania (1943), 319 U.S. 105
  • Jamison v. Texas (1943), 318 U.S. 413
  • Cantwell v. Connecticut (1940), 310 U.S. 296
  • Schneider v. State (Town of Irvington) (1939), 308 U.S. 147
  • Lovell v. City of Grifin (1938), 303 U.S. 444

As a canvasser, you have the right:

  • To be on public property
  • To knock on doors, even ones with “No Soliciting” signs (the essence of the Watchtower Case was that knocking on doors to talk with neighbors is NOT solicitation because nothing is being sold).
  • To talk to voters: to encourage voters to learn more about our candidates and issues
  • To give/ofer literature about candidates
  • To register voters
  • To update voter information
  • If you live in a private gated community, housing complex, or apartment building, you usually have the right to knock on doors in your own community consult your community bylaws.

Your responsibility as a canvasser:

  • To walk on public walkways, not through private lawns
  • To leave literature on doors: NEVER in mailboxes
  • To get permission before canvassing on private property
  • To be patient, courteous and friendly at all times
  • To respect “No Trespassing” signs (it is the law)
  • To conduct the canvass in accordance with all applicable law
  • To NOT remove other candidate literature or signs from voter property/doors. Another resource is at: