Senator Priya Sundareshan on MSNBC: Extreme Republicans Oppose Contraception

by Michael Bryan

Two things are certain in Arizona politics: The AZGOP is now the radical MAGA party, which is clearly intent on coming after Arizona’s citizens’ right to control their own reproduction and health care — including the right to access contraception. State Senator Sundareshan (D-LD18) and a Co-Chair of the ADLCC is a brilliant political strategist who has put the AZGOP’s radical intent on record to help us Democrats take the majority this fall.

Senator Sundareshan was recently interviewed by Jonathan Capeheart on MSNBC about her savvy maneuver:

Senator Sundareshan is a key weapon in the AZDem’s arsenal. We owe her a debt of gratitude, and she has earned our support in her effort to be re-elected and in her mission to turn the AZ Legislature blue.

You can do that by contributing to her campaign and meeting her in person at my fundraising party for her this weekend, March 23 from 3-5pm, with a minimum $75 donation to the re-election fund for her and her district seatmates, the equally impressive and vital Reps. Nancy Gutierrez and Chris Mathis. You don’t have to attend to donate! Even if you have other plans, nothing says “thank you, Priya!” louder than a nice donation to her re-election effort. If you want to donate directly to just Priya, you can do so here. ~Michael Bryan

Here is a transcript of Sen. Sundareshan’s remarks:

Sen. Priya Sundareshan with Rep. Nancy Gutierrez, both Democrats from LD18.

Jonathan Capehart: Senator Sundareshan, let’s talk about the Right to Conception Act that you co-sponsored. Arizona’s Republican-led legislature blocked efforts to bring the bill to a vote. So what happens now to the proposal?

Priya Sundareshan: Thank you, Jonathan, for asking. Essentially, our Right to Contraception Act is no longer viable.

It’s not happening. It’s our effort to bring it to the floor was done because it had been introduced on my side in the Senate with all of our Senate Democratic senators co-sponsoring it. It did not receive a hearing. We wanted to give Republicans the chance, however. Before this session ends to bring this forward and protect the right to contraception in state law, knowing that we have these threats, after the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs decision, we know that there are other threats that are coming to our rights.

Jonathan Capehart: Senator for Vice President Mike Pence laid out his vision for a national abortion ban this morning. Listen to what he had to say.

Mike Pence: We’re a pro-life party. I really do believe that there is a national role. I’d like to see our nominee endorse a minimum 15-week ban, but also, I’d like to see a nominee that affirms the sanctity of life as it’s debated in states across this country.

Jonathan Capehart: Senator Sundareshan, will that fly with Arizona voters?

Priya Sundareshan: I don’t think so. As Chris mentioned, these rights are bipartisan. They are supported across the aisle by a broad spectrum of the public. And we also know that it’s not going to stop with a broad 15-week ban. So, we need to protect these rights affirmatively as quickly as possible in state law.

Our Republican majority in the legislature is slim. We’re only two down from getting the majority, and with a different majority, we could change that.

Michael Bryan founded as the Howard Dean presidential campaign blog for Arizona in 2003, and has been blogging ever since. He is an attorney living in Tucson with his wife, Lauren. In 2008, Michael remade BlogForArizona into a collaborative project. Michael is now but one of the contributors to the blog and provides editorial and publishing direction in consultation with the Board of Directors and the other authors. Check out the BlogForArizona Twitter feed, which Mike curates and writes. Michael is also an AAPC member who occasionally consults on political campaigns, strategy and communications.