Rep. Mathis Says AZ Needs a Bipartisan Budget

By Chris Mathis, Arizona Representative for LD18.

The 2023 legislative session is now in full swing! Democrats are working hard to advance legislation to address our state’s pressing issues. Here are some highlights of what we’ve been working on.


Though they only have a slim, one-seat majority in each chamber, Republicans spent the first month of this legislative session passing a non-negotiated, party-line, “skinny” budget that made no new investments to benefit Arizonans. Governor Hobbs swiftly vetoed this disingenuous and time-wasting legislative stunt.

In the meantime, Democrats know we need a bipartisan budget that reflects the priorities of everyday Arizonans, and we look forward to working across the aisle to accomplish this. That’s why Governor Hobbs proposes a plan that lowers costs for Arizonans, protects our natural resources, invests in our public health and safety and reinvests in and rebuilds our chronically underfunded public schools.


From strengthening our water infrastructure through conservation and augmentation efforts to better protecting our groundwater, Democrats have introduced a slate of bills to preserve our precious natural resources and ensure our state is resilient in a warmer climate.

Defending Democracy

Arizona election administration has not only been proven to be safe and secure but our vote-by-mail system is a model for the rest of the country. While many Republicans seem obsessed with re-litigating lost elections, Democrats have our eyes on the horizon, not the rearview mirror.

That’s why we’re doubling down on strengthening our democracy and broadening participation by proposing bills that would permit same-day voter registration, automatic voter registration and weekend hours, among other pro-voting policies. We should be making it easier to vote, not harder.

Jobs and the Economy

Arizonans deserve an economy that works for everyone. Democrats stand by our partners in organized labor to advance policies that help ensure every Arizonan has access to good jobs, fair wages and affordable necessities.

Governor Hobbs’ budget plan continues to invest in New Economy Initiatives at Arizona universities to increase graduates in high-demand, high-wage industries like engineering, medicine and emerging technologies. The Governor’s plan would also extend economic and educational opportunities throughout the state by expanding critical broadband access to rural counties and small towns.

Affordable Housing

Arizona is experiencing one of the worst housing crises in the country, and Arizona Democrats are taking action to help address this very challenging issue.

Democrats and Governor Hobbs back solutions that would relieve the housing supply shortage and strengthen communities across our state. Last session, Democrats fought for and secured an unprecedented $60 million deposit in the Housing Trust Fund to help prevent homelessness and assist with rent, utility, home repair and legal aid costs. Democrats and Governor Hobbs have decided to invest an additional $150 million into this crucial fund.