Phone Banking: An Easy Way to Help Democrats Win in November

Too hot to canvass? Not a walker?  Seriously consider volunteering from the comfort of your home with the Arizona Weekly Virtual Phonebank.

What to expect:

Each session is only a two-hour commitment. Currently, calls are made on Wednesday and Thursday from 6-8:00pm and Saturday and Sunday from 3-5:00pm.

The primary goal is to identify supporters of Kamala Harris, Ruben Gallego and down-ballot candidates among Democrats who are not regular voters and Independents and persuadable Republicans. 

You log into a Zoom meeting where you are given a script and caller information on your computer as you make calls on your cell phone.  

There is training before you start and individual technical support if needed. 

It may take a little time getting used to the technical side but once you do, it is not complicated and can be very rewarding. 

Don’t be discouraged if you only reach a few people when people do not answer or you are directed to voicemail. Each person you connect with is banking another vote for Kamala Harris and Democratic candidates at every level. 

You do not leave messages. If you don’t want your phone number visible when you make a call, you simply dial *67 first, but this may reduce the number of people who answer.   

This is a very easy way to volunteer to help Democrats win in November.  Give it a try! To get started and for more information click on or