Michael Gordy Remembered as a Progressive Activist, Feminist, and Teacher

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By Jenise Porter, First Vice-Chair, LD9.

Michael Gordy was a force of nature. He arrived at events on his bicycle, saddlebags full of pamphlets, flyers announcing events, an extra shirt to change into, and a smile-always a big smile. After a  long, hard battle with COVID, he passed peacefully in his sleep on March 18.

“Michael was a force that moved mountains and he will be missed. Our sincerest condolences to his wife, Bridget Stoll, and the rest of his family,” said Susan Bickel, Chair of the LD9 Democrats.

He was often among the first to set up the Progressive Democrats of America canopy, carry chairs and tables, and usually the last to leave after taking down those chairs and tables. He was a stalwart progressive, a member of the Progressive Democrats of America-Tucson chapter steering committee, and an activist in environmental causes.

Senator Raul Grijalva had this to say about Michael:

“He was an environmental activist, fought for social justice, and believed in fairness for all people. Michael will be missed by many. But his vision and strong convictions remain an example to all of us of a productive and meaningful life. He was a tireless volunteer who could always be counted on to show up.”

Michael was a Bernie delegate in 2016, arriving in Philadelphia with a suitcase full of the message tee-shirts we were used to seeing him wear. State Senator Victoria Steele shared these thoughts about Michael:

“He was a devoted teacher and Democratic Party activist. Michael was so full of love for others and passionate about helping the underdog. He put up my campaign signs in 100-degree heat. He would ride his bike to nearly all of my events and offer to give me his sweaty wet t-shirt. No matter what, he could always make me laugh. He threw his whole life into his friends. We watched as he fell in love with the beautiful Bridget Stoll and our hearts melted as we celebrated their wedding. Michael overcame so much in life and gave all to his community. What a tremendous loss. People like Michael are rare and precious. I can’t believe he is gone. My heart aches for Bridget.”

Victoria reminded me also that Michael was a true, proud feminist and would love that she said that. In 2013, I was at the opening day of the state legislature in a large group that included Michael. We were all wearing shirts that Paula Aboud had provided that said, “When Women Vote, We All Win.” Michael told me that Paula said he was the best feminist she knew. He was certainly proud to wear his shirt that said, “This is what a Feminist looks like.”

I think that Michael’s progressive activism was part and parcel of his passion as an educator, a classroom teacher, and president of the Tucson Education Association, and a fierce pride in his AA mentorship.  I can’t think of an instance where Michael put himself first.

We miss you, Michael, rest in peace.
