LD9 Outreach to Voters Adds Hundreds to Mail-In Voting List

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In April and May, 120 PCs and volunteers in LD9 explained to a few thousand reliable Democratic voters in LD9 how they could stay safe and vote by mail by signing up for the Permanent Early Voting List (mail-in voting).

People reported mostly positive results. Numerous people who left messages with their phone number got phone calls back requesting additional PEVL forms for family members or had other questions.

  • We attempted to contact to 3,765 people.
  • There are still a few people who are working on refreshed lists.
  • We physically spoke to 1,000 people – of those 425 said they would sign up and 265 requested we mail them a PEVL form.
  • We left 1,700 voice messages and 450 text messages.
  • The entire project was based in MiniVan and all the contact info was captured in the VAN database.

Any Democrat who wants to vote regularly by mail rather than going to the polling place should add their name to PEVL. Voting by mail offers voters more time to study the ballot and decide how they want to vote. It is also an important alternative to in-person voting during the era of social distancing.

More than 80 percent of Arizona voters already get their ballots in the mail to make the process as seamless as possible.

PCs Galore

Susan Bickel, the Corresponding Secretary of LD9,  reported at the May 26 meeting that there are currently 208 elected and appointed PCs in LD9. Some 205 have filed to run for the next two-year term.

All elected PCs are required to run for re-election every two years. As shown below, LD9 now has more PCs than ever.

LD9’s PCs have had a powerful beneficial effect on elections. For example, in 2018 LD9 established itself as the bluest district in the state, with an 82.2% turnout of Democratic voters.

What happens next?

  • All filed candidates will be declared Elected as of the Primary Election, August 4.
  • There will be no contested elections and your name will not appear on the ballot.
  • Seven precincts will be considered full after the Primary Election: Precints 56, 88, 106, 148, 158, 171 & 238.

If a state legislative seat is vacated in 2021-2022, only elected PCs may participate in the process of recommending a replacement to the Pima County Board of Supervisors.

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