Greetings in the New Year, by Michael Dues

michael_dues 2017, a painful, difficult  year, is finally over. I’m confident that we can make 2018 the year when Arizona and America turn around and get on track. We face daunting challenges. We can’t control the outcomes of elections, but we certainly can influence them. My commitment to LD 9 in 2018 is to do all I can to elect strong Democratic candidates who stand for our values and will work for the policies we need.

In this effort, I am grateful for all the work you’ve done already and will do this year.

In 2018, we intend to build an army of at least 300 active, well-informed Precinct Committeepersons working neighbor-to-neighbor. Our PCs will knock on doors, make phone calls and hold house parties. They’ll get to know our candidates, understand key issues and offer voters quality materials.

To make this happen we need to:

  1. Recruit at least 50 more PCs, making sure that every precinct in LD 9 has a team of PCs to do its work.  In November 2016, we had 88 PCs in LD 9. Today we have 250. The goal we set last year was to have 300 PCs by June 2018.  We’re on track, but we need to push hard this spring to get there.
  2. Train and organize our PCs into a well-coordinated and effective team of advocates for Democratic candidates in the summer and fall. Again, we are well on our way. Our heroes in this effort are our PC Development Committee members. They’ve been training PCs, whom they’ve organized into precinct “territories.” We’ll continue training PCs and refining our organizational structure.
  3. Invite candidates to speak at our monthly meetings so we can all get to know them. Our January speakers are Bill Mundell and Sandra Kennedy, candidates for the State Corporation Commission, an important but little-known office. In February, we’ll hear from our own Steve Farley, who’s running for governor, with a good chance to win.
  4. Invite candidates to speak at our monthly meetings so we can all get to know them. Our January speakers are Bill Mundell and Sandra Kennedy, candidates for the State Corporation Commission, an important but little-known office. In February, we’ll hear from our own Steve Farley, who’s running for governor, with a good chance to win.

What can you do to help?

  1. Bring a friend to LD meetings and fundraisers. As more people see who we are and what we’re doing, more will want to join us.
  2. Stay active, and prepare to be an effective advocate. Attend our meetings. Attend training. Get to know the candidates. Volunteer.
  3. Make a recurring donation to the LD (as I’ve done). Go to the LD 9 website and set it up. It really helps.

It’s a joy to be in this struggle together with good, smart, interesting people, standing for what is right.  Let’s make 2018 a better year!