Donate $15 to Finance our Corporation Commission Candidates

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Do you have $15?

All the Democratic candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission are running under Arizona’s Clean Elections public financing system.

This requires them to collect 1,500 valid $5 contributions from voters registered in Arizona.  Most candidates will collect at least 1,800 contributions to have an appropriate “cushion.”

In return for collecting the required number of contributions, they will receive $116,016 for the primary and an additional $174,024 for the general election.

All of our excellent Democratic candidates are still collecting qualifying contributions. If you have not donated, do so now! If you’re not sure, donate! This race will determine Arizona’s renewable energy future.

Surely there are 1,800 people in the state of Arizona who have $15 to contribute to these amazing candidates!!

There are two easy ways to make your contribution:

  • The easiest way to contribute is by clicking here to go directly to the Secretary of State’s website. Have your driver’s license and credit or debit card handy and you’re all set!

You will receive an email receipt after making your donation.

  • Or go to each candidate’s website to make an electronic contribution or write and mail a check to each candidate:

Bill Mundell
Bill Mundell

Time is not on our side. We must act now.

Please help our excellent Democratic candidates mount a credible statewide campaign. But they must get the required qualifying contributions. We know that the Republicans will finance their candidates.

Do you have $15? If you do, please donate now.

Share this request widely please. We have about a month to get these donations.

Support your Democratic candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission. Please give. It is only $15.
