You’re Coming to the Voter Suppression Horror Show, Whether you Like it or Not

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Halloween is over, but you wouldn’t know it from the gore that’s coming out of the Arizona Legislature. Each one of these modern-day “Jim Crow” bills is their own horror movie scene. Such ridiculous and obvious voter suppression moves belong only in comic books, NOT in our legislature.

The AZGOP will stop at nothing to make voting more difficult than it already is.
Help us fight back. Pima County is the second-largest county in Arizona, and as such Democratic candidates rely on our ability to operate professionally, with all the most modern techniques. PCDP is the firewall that the state and national party rely on.

During pre-COVID times we were able to host big events to raise much-needed support. Unless we find replacement funds, these voter suppression bills will pass and become law.  We must engage and educate voters, support LDs, campaign aggressively, campaign smartly, and raise awareness.  In order to do this, we must employ an aggressive digital and physical ground game.

This costs money. We know COVID has been difficult for everyone, so any amount helps and is greatly appreciated. There is no amount that is too small or too large.

Don’t let this AZGOP Horror Show of voter suppression and Jim Crow laws become a reality in Arizona.  Contact your elected officials to let them know your thoughts.

Find your Legislative District and representatives here.
