Students: Apply by April 7 for Training to Be a Political Activist

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High school and college students can apply for training to become political activists, organizers, and leaders. It’s virtual so there is no travel cost. See

Democracy Summer is a long-term recurring project of Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin. This year, Raskin is partnering with the DCCC and individual campaigns of Democratic Members of Congress to expand the project to include young people from across the country.

College and high school-aged students have until April 7 to apply to be Fellows in the virtual summer learning program and to get training to be organizers and volunteer activists in Democratic political campaigns. Fellows will learn by way of study, discussion and action. They will participate in a curriculum designed by Rep. Raskin focused on the history of social and political change in America and the values, dynamics, and skills of political organizing.

Through this curriculum, Fellows will learn from great activist heroes, young and old political leaders, Democratic policy experts, and top political and community organizers across the country.

The theme of 2021 Democracy Summer will be “Nonviolent Movements, Violent Reactions: the Historic and Continuing Struggle for Voting Rights and Strong Democracy in America.”

In prior years, the Program has also featured conversations on topics such as the climate crisis, gun violence prevention and the power of the NRA, the assault on reproductive freedom, wealth inequality and tax policy, immigration and refugee policy, the Electoral College, and the National Popular Vote campaign, redistricting and gerrymandering, the domestic budget and the military budget, U.S. foreign policy and Congressional power to declare war, education policy, civil rights, and civil liberties, and the continuing spread of voter suppression tactics in GOP-controlled state legislatures.

Democracy Summer speakers have included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Civil Rights leaders Bob Moses and Rev. William J. Barber II, Prof. Laurence Tribe, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Rep. John Lewis, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

All Democracy Summer Fellows will receive an organizing assignment based on location. Through this organizing work with partners—the DCCC and the campaigns of Democratic Members of Congress and Democratic challengers to Republican incumbents—Fellows will get intensive practical training in the key skills of Democratic campaigning: electoral strategy, field organizing, door-to-door canvassing, phone-banking, text banking, fundraising, policy development, and campaign messaging, social media and digital strategy, rally and online organizing, event planning, scheduling, and campaign management.

If you’d like to volunteer with the Raskin campaign and/or receive details by email about public Democracy Summer programming, please sign up HERE so you’re on our list.

Stay tuned to this page, like Jamie Raskin on Facebook, and follow @jamie_raskin on Twitter to make sure you hear about updates to the application! Direct all questions to

Testimonials from Democracy Summer alumni:

“You learn from these amazing people every day at Democracy Summer with their questions and answers. I can say there’s never been a day at Democracy Summer when I didn’t learn something new. Being surrounded by this uplifting group of people inspired me to create a politically active club at my school…Democracy Summer isn’t just something you do and leave, it inspires you to continue what you learned and use it in the world to change it into a better place. My time at Democracy Summer was truly my most life-changing experience yet. I now hope and aspire to stay continuously politically active and aware.” ––Adesola Adelegan, Democracy Summer 2019 Fellow

“One of the biggest things I’ve gained from this experience and plan to use going forward is to remember that while talking about politics is important, action is needed to fix the problems that concern me. More often than not, it is not hard to get involved when you have the right information and even the simplest contributions make a big difference.” ––Annabelle Tamaro, Democracy Summer 2019 Fellow

“Through the program, I learned not only how small grassroots campaigns are run, but also what to do after the polls close. I learned that small groups of determined people, of any age, can make a large impact. The program gave me a roadmap for making change.” ––Drew Olsen, Democracy Summer 2019 Fellow

If you are interested in what Democracy Summer projects in previous years, further information can be obtained from
