Spring Theme: Candidates and Campaigns   

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LD9 PC and Volunteer Development

Welcome to the Spring Theme of our 2018 Election Cycle! LD9’s goal during the next couple of months will be to focus on the many talented and energetic Democratic candidates who have emerged (and continue to emerge!) for local and state runs in the upcoming primary and midterm elections.

The fact that so many committed and qualified men and women have announced their candidacies is a sign that things are really heating up, not just in our Arizona Legislative District 9 (LD9) but also in our U.S. Congressional District (CD2), the governor’s race, US Senate race, and others. The “blue wave” is coming to Arizona and our Democratic candidates are going to NEED YOUR HELP!

For our Spring Theme, we are asking each Precinct Committee Person, Volunteer, and anyone else in LD9 who’s in interested to GET INVOLVED by picking at least one candidate to support and lending some time to that candidate’s campaign. Here are some easy ways you can work to support the candidate(s) of your choice:

1.  Make phone calls or send text messages on behalf of the candidate. He/she will provide you with a call list.
2.  Donate  office  supplies,  snacks  and  water  to  the candidate’s  campaign  office.
3.  Make  a  $5  contribution  to  qualify  the candidate  for  the  ballot  and  ask  others  to  do  the  same.
4.  Offer  to  host  a  house  party.
5.  Contact  your  candidate  for  a  list  of  like-minded  voters  in  your  neighborhood,  then  walk  around  the  block  and  talk  to  your  neighbors.
6.  Deliver  yard  signs.  Or  put signs  up  in  your  own  yard,  especially  if  you  live  in  a  prominent, high-traffic  area.  Note  that  homeowners’  associations,  by  law,  cannot  ban  these  signs  if  displayed  no  earlier  than  71  days  before  an  election  (ARS  33-1808-C).
7.  Wear  a  campaign  T-shirt  to  an  event,  or  even  just to  the  grocery  store,  and  have  friendly,  brief  conversations  with  people,  giving  them  a  strong  positive  association  with  your  candidate.
8.  Help  with  data  entry.
9.  If  you have the  money,  donate to the Candidate’s campaign

If you’re wondering who the candidates are, which one (s) you’d like to work for, and how to specifically get involved in their campaign—here’s how:

Check out the candidates on our LD9 web site or download the handy candidate directory  with web sites for each person running. On each web page, you’ll see a button to click or form to fill out, letting the Candidate know you’d like to get involved in their campaign.

Be sure to spend time studying each Candidate’s web site to determine which one “speaks to you” in terms of message, approach, values, qualifications, policies, and campaign organization. Before signing on to a campaign, don’t be shy about contacting a few campaigns to see which one best fits your style and needs. Don’t be afraid to contact the Candidate and his/her campaign manager before signing up to work. We’re sure they’ll be happy to get back to you with any questions or concerns you might have.

You can also help by working on two important ballot initiatives.  The Outlaw Dirty Money initiative needs tens of thousands of signatures and the Vote NO on Prop 305 (no education vouchers) is another ballot issue that will need your support.

Here’s to a great, productive Spring Theme and Happy Campaigning!!
