Pima County is the Key to Turning Arizona Blue: LD9 Meeting Report

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“Pima County will be the county that provides the margin of victory for the Democratic Presidential nominee in Arizona,” said Alison Jones, Pima County Democratic Party Chair, speaking at the LD9 member meeting on July 28.

Jones pointed out that  Democrats had a net gain of 41,545 voters compared with the GOP between January and April of 2020. This includes a gain of 15,270 new Democratic voters in Pima County alone.  In contrast, the Republicans were much less successful in Pima, gaining only 816 new voters during the same time period.

The County Democratic Party has raised $50,000 for the Udall Dinner. Jones has promised that all of the Udall funds will be routed to the 5 legislative districts in Pima County. Jones said she intends to donate $5000 to 10,000  to each district. “PCDP is raising funds to funnel to the LDs so they can spend their time engaging with voters,” she said. “If we end 2020 with too much money in the bank I will consider that a failure. This is not a time to be hoarding cash.”

Jones called on Democrats to buy a commemorative brick to be placed in the Patio of Democratic headquarters in Fall 2020. The patio will feature large pavers interspersed with smaller bricks bearing dedications. A small brick can be obtained for a $120 donation, and a 16″ x 16″ paver can be had for a $1,000 donation.  Visit pimadems.org/placita to buy a brick.

LD9 plan of action

LD9 Democrats will play a part in generating those votes as well as votes for Democratic Party candidates running for county positions. “We are planning our most ambitious get-out-the-vote outreach effort to date for the 2020 general election.  We are developing an informative handout to help potential voters with their ballots. Emphasis will be on the importance of all offices and propositions. We will be contacting more than 15,000+ targeted voters who we believe are the ones that will most benefit from this information,” said Lori Cinnamond, a member of the LD9 Communications Team.

She said outreach activities for PCs and volunteers will include:

  • Personal  note writing
  • Postcard writing
  • Phone calling

At least two presentations are planned for the first week of September going over the complete strategy and plan.  Volunteers will be asked to sign up for one or more activities.

For more info contact Marlene Bluestein, Maggie Winchell, or Lori Cinnamond.

Volunteers and PCs generated 49 net-new LD9 volunteer prospects, and 254 Mission for Arizona new volunteer prospects, according to Marlene Bluestein, the 2nd Vice-Chair of LD9. (Mission for Arizona is what the Democratic “coordinated campaign” is now called.) The team also placed 10,958 calls to voters in LD9, resulting in 1,687 substantive conversations with LD9 voters.

“Hugging Cactus” post card
The famous “Hugging Cactus” postcard

Wetmore Outreach Team

The Wetmore Outreach Team targets the voters of precincts 31, 32, and 38, with 3,372 registered Democratic Party voters, according to Mary Alice Theroux, PC leader for 31. The team mailed out 300 postcards with the hugging cactus theme. to voters in the precincts. The goal of the mailer, designed by Linda Eckstrum, was to provide useful resources during the pandemic.

“Why is voting so low in the disadvantaged areas, the very ones who need the platforms of the Democratic Party? It’s simple, they are the essential workers who are working two jobs and trying to raise a family. They simply don’t have the time,” Theroux said.

“Most don’t have Wi-Fi or computers. They go to the library with their children to do research for school, and the parents use the computers there to look for a job.  More have cell phones now. However, in the Mission for Arizona calling I found a lot of paused and disconnected numbers,” she reported.

Volunteers from LD9 include Jane Lassar, Linda Ekstrum, Susan Gray, Mary Evangeliste, and Marlene Bluestein, who joined the two PCs who live in the area, Melinda Ontiverous and Mary Alice Theroux to form The Wetmore Outreach Team.

Social Media training

LD9 will hold social media training sessions on Monday, August 10. It will focus on Facebook at 10 am, and on Twitter at 11 am. Anyone wanting training should contact Mary Evangeliste at evangazine@gmail.com. The LD9 Communications Team has been making creative posts on the LD9 Facebook page and the LD9 Twitter account. Please visit these pages to share and retweet team posts.

Joel Feinman reviewed the PCDP Resolution on Policing. This resolution will be reviewed in the next Pima County Democratic Party executive meeting, Monday, August 3.

“‘Defund the police’ doesn’t mean anything,” Feinman said. “We want to promote community health and safety, more training for police, background checks for new police hires, demilitarization, and an independent civil review board with subpoena powers.  We want the city, county, state, and Congress to adopt the policy.”

LD9 chair, Kim Holaway, and our two executive committee representatives, Eve Shapiro and JP Martin, will be attending and will vote on this resolution. Please read the resolution and offer your feedback prior to the vote. Send feedback to
Kim Holaway, Chair of LD9 Democrats, kimholaway@gmail.com, Eve Shapiro, eveshapiro@gmail.com, JP Martin, jptje1@me.com or Joel Feinman, jbfeinman@gmail.com.
