Make a Lucky $18 Monthly Donation to LD18

Improve your good fortune with a lucky $18 monthly recurring donation to LD18.

Scan the QR code and donate now for good luck!

This is a crucial election year, and LD18 will fight for democracy and stop dictatorship. We need your financial support for a promising, propitious and prosperous Arizona.

Why donate $18? Besides living in LD18, here are a few reasons to consider the number 18 important:

  • Adulthood and Voting: In the U.S., turning 18 not only marks the age of legal adulthood but also grants the right to vote, symbolizing independence, civic responsibility, and new beginnings.
  • Jewish Tradition: The number 18 symbolizes “life” in Hebrew (חי), commonly linked with prosperity and long life.
  • Numerology: The sum of the digits (1+8=9) in 18 suggests attributes like leadership and humanitarianism.
  • Tarot Influence: The 18th card in a tarot deck is the Moon, representing intuition and the subconscious.
  • Chinese Culture: The pronunciation of 18 is auspicious, suggesting wealth, making it popular in business contexts.
  • Global Sports: Notably in Japanese baseball, the number 18 is often worn by the team’s ace pitcher, denoting excellence and skill.
18-arm saguaro can only be good luck on the Finger Rock Trail.





Many lucky celebrities were born on the 18th:

Robert Redford Queen Latifa Yoko Ono
Tina Fey Robert Downey Jr. Chris Hemsworth
Kevin Kostner Steven Spielberg Brad Pitt
Keith Richards Paul McCartney Vin Diesel

With your financial support, we will work to restore abortion access, flip the legislature, elect a Democratic US Senator, vault 3 Democrats to the Corporation Commission, and boost the prospects of Democrats down and up the ballot.
