Letters to the Editor from LD18 Activists

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Why keep the documents?

The media has yet to explain why the former president kept classified documents at his home. In addition to the obvious answer, I have several others.

  1. He never got a chance to read them while he was in office and wants to know what he missed.
  2. He wants to use them as ice-breakers when he entertains. It is so hard to start conversations when you are an ex-president.
  3. Paper for his printer is so expensive, and these papers were just going to be in storage boxes doing nothing anyway.
  4. He wants his son and grandchildren to have primary documents when they write term papers.
  5. Ivanka has an idea for a paper dress made with classified documents, and she thinks it will sell with the MAGA crowd.
  6. He misses Vlad and Kim and hopes that they will visit him if he provides reading materials. See, he wasn’t doing anything illegal with them, and he hasn’t made a cent from them.

Mimi Pollow

She is a Precinct Committee Person in Precinct 9 in LD18.

Republicans are Pro-life, sometimes

Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe, the Republican Party and legislators have led the fight against abortion (no exceptions).

The outrage is that abortion kills a fetus, and Republicans are pro-life.

But in the last week, since the FBI removed classified documents from Mar-a-Lago, fanatic followers of Donald Trump and fervent Republicans are advocating killing FBI agents. Evidently, they don’t have the sanctity of a fetus. This is horrific and insane rhetoric and behavior. There was a time when the Republican Party was known as the Law and Order Party. They embraced the FBI and championed them cracking down on protestors. There seems to be nothing pro-life about the Republican Party’s view, despite their anti-abortion propaganda. They are now the party of Trump. The only thing Trump is in favor of is: Trump.

John Kautz

He is a former Precinct Committee Person, lifelong Democrat and resident of LD18.

Petitions and Direct Democracy

Published in the August 24, 2022, Arizona Star

Tim Steller reports on protests urging people not to sign the petition to refer the universal voucher expansion bill to the ballot. He reports that proponents of universal school vouchers are ‘outraged that Save our Schools think they know what’s best.’

Both supporters and opponents of vouchers think they know what’s best. Placing the issue on the ballot allows the majority to decide. This right to direct democracy is spelled out clearly in the Arizona Constitution, Article 4.

Let’s be clear: Signing the petition is not a vote. It does not mean you support or oppose the voucher bill. It means that you are concerned enough about this issue to place it on the ballot where it will be decided by a majority vote in the 2024 general election. By obstructing the signature collection process, the protesters are denying Arizona citizens their constitutional right to direct democracy.

Opportunities for signing the petition are at teamsosarizona.com.

Greer Warren

Greer is a PC in LD18, Precinct 107, and a member of Democrats of Greater Tucson.
