Letter: Petitions and Press Responsibility

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Ballot propositions are a routine option for self-governance, as found in Article 4 of the Arizona Constitution. Registered voters sign petitions so propositions can appear on the ballot for a direct vote.

The press has a civic duty to inform the public about when and where petitions can be signed to ensure that the voice of the people is heard. Recently the media splashed reports about which petitions had enough signatures to qualify for the balloting process. Sadly, some did not, largely because not one newspaper, TV or radio show announced when and where a citizen could sign.

The latest collateral damage is the proposed Arizona constitutional amendment to protect reproductive rights, which fell short of required signatures. The only recourse is to elect a Democratic governor and legislators because Republican politicians will not defend these rights.

The press must ensure that citizens are informed about how to sign petitions. Only then will Arizonans will have true nonpartisan choices in their government.
