LD9 Volunteers and PCs Reach Thousands of Voters

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By Marlene Bluestein.

LD9 PCs’ and Volunteers’ accomplishments this year are amazing and will continue to be successful!

January/February – Presidential Preference Election (PPE)

  • More than 90 volunteers knocked on doors and mailed postcards to 5,163 Independent (and some Greens) to remind them to register as a Democrat to be eligible to vote in the PPE. At least 1,040 of the contacted Independents are now Democrats!

April/May – Permanent Early Voter List (PEVL)

  • More than 120 volunteers reached out by phone, voicemail, and text to 3,765 Democrats not on PEVL, encouraging them to sign up, stay safe, and vote by mail.

June/July – Get Ready

  • 192 packets were distributed to eager volunteers who contacted over 4,800 Independents. Each Independent received a lively, informative brochure with a handwritten note from the volunteer. The goal was to educate voters about the 2020 elections, Democratic Party values, and reasons to vote.

August/September – Get Out the Vote (GOTV)

  • Planning for this outreach is underway and will be rolled out following the August 4, 2020, Primary Election.

In the meantime….

Mission for Arizona (M4A), previously known as the Coordinated Campaign, is organizing. Four field organizers have been recently hired for the LD9 area – two are Spanish speakers and two are native Tucsonans. They are collaborating with LD9 Democrats to optimize the use of valuable resources (primarily volunteers!) and minimize redundant voter contacts. M4A efforts will focus on candidates up and down the ballot. LD9 Precinct Leaders will be contacted soon to help pair our volunteers with their field organizers. We encourage you to get involved if you can. Stay tuned for more information. www.missionforarizona.com

The Arizona Ground Game (TAGG) has an ongoing project to flip Arizona’s LD11 State Representatives. This is a critical effort, as both LD11 State Representatives and Senator are Republican. To achieve the important goal of flipping the Arizona House and Senate, we must mobilize voters who haven’t been motivated to vote in recent elections. Please consider getting involved in this effort. To learn more or to sign up for training contact TAGG at www.AZgroundgame.org/Project11

Like Mission for Arizona, TAGG is also working up and down the ballot and has updated materials on all of the relevant issues. Weekly training sessions are available Thursdays at 5:30 and office hours are Tuesday at noon and Saturday at 2:30.

County Candidates are listed on our LD9 website: www.ld9dems.com/2020-candidates
They would love your help with their campaigns. Please contact them directly to offer your assistance.

We are so appreciative of your willingness to volunteer! Our Country and Arizona will be the beneficiaries of your efforts.

If you have suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us, and please remind us of your unique skills.

You may contact me at any time.
Marlene Bluestein, LD9 Second Vice Chair
520-213-2404 text or voice

Or the Volunteer and PC Liaison Committee:
Linda Horowitz   (520) 331-0592

Nancy Koff   (520) 955-4374
