Last 4 Days! Make Calls for Georgia Senate Democrats

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By Sharmila Dey.

Arizona just elected a new President and a new Senator using the power of Democrats across the state. Now it’s time to use our organizing power to help Georgians flip the Senate. Join your fellow Arizonans and the Youth Justice Collective in the final four days as we make calls into Georgia for US Senate Candidates Jon Ossoff and Rev. Warnock.

We are hosting phonebanks at the following times:

Jan 2 @ 4pm
Jan 3 @ 1pm
Jan 3 @ 4pm
Jan 4 @ 4pm

Sign up for one or more phone banking shifts here!:

Sharmila Dey
Sharmila Dey

Sharmila Dey is one of the young activists recognized at the Udall dinner in 2019. Her mother is Joan Najita, a PC in LD9. Sharmila was canvassing for LD9 candidates Dr. Randy Friese and Pamela Powers Hannley for several years before she was old enough to vote.
